Email: [email protected]
Phone: 509-965-9872
We have designed multiple residential treatment facilities in Washington State in the past few years including a renovation to portions of an existing fourstory building to add a residential treatment facility in the second floor. This work for this particular project included an evaluation of the existing building distribution system in order to determine if the facility had the capacity to serve the new residential treatment facility.
For these types of projects, we design the power distribution system (including standby backup generator power), state-of-the-art lighting and lighting controls, building communications as well as fire alarm, security, door access and nurse call systems. We work closely with Owners to design facilities that met their needs, which often includes several meetings to coordinate the design with their particular company standards. We have considerable expertise in the submission of calculations to Washington State Labor and Industries Plan Review for review and approval by the State.
As with most of our architectural projects, we provided design services through bidding and construction administration and observation services through completion of this project.